GST Number : 09AEKPM5424L1Z2

GST Number 09AEKPM5424L1Z2
Type of Taxpayer Individual/Person
State Uttar Pradesh
Name Starts With M
Checksum Status Valid Checksum
Filing Status Visit Department Website

Introduction to GST Number : 09AEKPM5424L1Z2 -
Tax Payer Name ABTRADERS

Finding GST Number and validating it gives you the benefits of verifying your suppliers on time. Wrong Number will lead to deferment of input credits. You can get the basic details about the vendor and filing status by clicking the portal link.

1) What is the name of GST Number : 09AEKPM5424L1Z2?

The name of the Enterprise / Company / Individual Name is ABTRADERS. You can easily find other details of this tax payer in this portal.

2) What is GST Number of ABTRADERS in the State of Uttar Pradesh?

Finding GST Number made easy . GST Number of ABTRADERS is 09AEKPM5424L1Z2. Even you can track the details of the Jurisdictional Officer.

3) What is PAN Number of ABTRADERS?

PAN Number is AEKPM5424L. It helps us to deduct TDS , Update Your Records and maintain identity of your Supplier / Vendor.

4) What is State Code and State Name of GST Number 09AEKPM5424L1Z2?

Very Famous State in India is Uttar Pradesh.The GST State Code is 09.

5) What is the type of the tax payer (GST Number : 09AEKPM5424L1Z2)?

Type of the Tax Payer is Individual/Person.

6) How to find status of GST Number : 09AEKPM5424L1Z2?

It is very easy to registration status of your GST Number by visiting the department website provided as above in the table. Enter Captcha and Find all details.

7) How to find Filing Status of ABTRADERS?

Filing Status of GST Number 09AEKPM5424L1Z2 is very much important for you to find out whether supplier has filed GST Returns or not.

8) Why there is a difference in the first letter with your suggestion?

When there is a change in the name of the company, PAN Number will not change. If there is no change in the GST Number, mismatch of first letter will come. You can ignore this mismatch.

Purpose of GST Taxpayers List

Its not easy to find a list of GST taxpayers along with details of them. We were collecting these data for a long and producing as a information. This will be more useful to validate.

How can we verify GST Numbers?

Prevention is better than cure. Verification of your supplier's GST number will help you to ensure your immedite input credits. IF you update wrong GST number, department will reject your claim. Please use our GST Number Verification tool.